Wednesday, September 30, 2009

L'art pour l'art

I sometimes feel like I tend more towards the artsy side of things, rather than functionality, than some of our courses actually desire.
But then again, I'm perhaps one of these people who would enjoy using technology as a tool to turn creative ideas into reality - for what it's worth...

L'art pour l'art, or "art for art's sake" as the English like to put it, relates to 20th century constructivism.

Tatlin's Tower, 1917

Which somehow reminds me of....

Kraftwerk, 1977

Which does not at all remind me of....

M-maybe - Roy Liechtenstein, 1965


  1. very cool! love the roy liechtenstein, did a paper on him last year or so.. very talented man, also l'art pour l'art has very nice stuff in it :D!

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